Working Paper Series
The USAEE and IAEE have combined efforts to create a working paper series that gives all USAEE/IAEE members a chance to increase the circulation, visibility, and impact of their research. If you have an unpublished research paper that addresses any aspect of energy economics or energy policy, we would like to feature your paper in this new series. There is no cost to you, only benefits:
- Place your work where it can be seen and used on a daily basis.
- Gain timely feedback from other researchers working on related topics.
- Create a permanent and searchable archive of your research output within the largest available Electronic Paper Collection serving the social sciences.
- Provide unlimited, hassle-free, public downloads of your work on demand.
- Raise your research profile, and that of the USAEE/IAEE, by joining with fellow members to establish a new energy research trademark that is unparalleled in terms of its breadth and depth of focus.
- Have a chance to win a complimentary registration to attend one of IAEE’s conferences.
The USAEE/IAEE Working Paper Series is a component of the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) Research Paper Series. SSRN is the leading online source of full-text research papers in the social sciences and is accessible at the following link: SSRN is indexed by all major online search engines, ensuring that anyone who does a keyword search in your area of research will be directed to your paper, receive free downloads, and will be provided with your contact information. SSRN tabulates the number of abstract and full-text downloads of each paper in the series and publishes various “top-ten” lists to indicate which papers are most highly demanded within individual subject areas.
To view current working papers in our series please click here.
Contributor Guidelines
The USAEE/IAEE Working Paper Series includes only papers that present original, scholarly research related to energy economics and policy. Editorials, marketing tracts, and promotional material, and papers carrying a high degree of opinion to analysis will not be accepted. Other than this initial screening, the working papers will be unrefereed and authors are solely responsible for their content. Authors will retain all rights to their work, including the right to submit their working papers (or subsequent versions thereof) for publication elsewhere. Neither USAEE/IAEE nor SSRN will assume or usurp any copyright privileges with respect to papers included in the series.
Each working paper included in the USAEE/IAEE Working Paper Series must be authored or co-authored by a member in good standing of the USAEE/IAEE, and be submitted by that member. All papers will be assigned a USAEE/IAEE Working Paper number.
To include your research paper (or papers) in the USAEE/IAEE Working Paper Series, please email a copy of the work (in PDF format), including a brief abstract, to Colin Vance, Manuel Frondel, and Brian Lavelle at
Colin Vance
USAEE Working Paper Series Co-Coordinator since June 2018
RWI – Leibniz Institute for Economic Research
Manuel Frondel
USAEE Working Paper Series Co-Coordinator since June 2018
RWI – Leibniz Institute for Economic Research
Brian Lavelle
USAEE Association Coordinator