Mentoring Program
Mentoring is a broad term used to describe the relationship and interaction between two people, a Mentor and a Mentee. In addition, Mentorships are a great way to expand professional networks. Mentors have typically gained insights and wisdom through direct experience within the profession or life experiences. Mentors are motivated to share lessons learned with Mentees so that they may benefit from these experiences. A good Mentor may be a peer, a senior professional or someone with a similar skill set or in a completely different profession.
Professionals and/or students may look for Mentorship for various reasons at various points within their career. Mentees have an unmet need for particular information or guidance and are self-motivated to seek out Mentors who can help. Questions may be industry-specific (learn about a new technology or emerging market change), situation-specific (how to make effective presentations to senior executives, resolve a conflict or deal with difficult people) or be more complex and involve interdisciplinary subjects (launching a new career path or job).
Mentee questions:
- What do I expect to learn from a Mentoring relationship? Are my expectations defined and realistic?
- What type of Mentor am I looking for? What profession and/or career stage?
- Am I looking for the answer to a particular question or developing a long-term relationship with a Mentor?
- How much time am I able to devote to a Mentorship program?
- When am I available for Mentorship (weekdays, weekends)? Is the Mentor also available on these days/times?
- What modes of communication (email, phone, and/or in-person meetings) am I open to? Do these modes of communication fit with Mentor expectations? Will they be effective?
Mentor questions:
- What can I contribute that would be of value to this Mentee? What is my career stage? What is my expertise?
- Am I open to a one-time Mentorship or developing a long-term Mentoring relationship?
- How much time am I able to devote to a Mentorship program?
- When am I available for Mentorship (weekdays, weekends)? Is the Mentee also available at these days/times?
- What modes of communication (email, phone, and/or in-person meetings) am I open to? Do these modes of communication fit with Mentee expectations? Will they be effective?
The Mentoring relationship may be formal, structured, and short, focused on a single question, or an informal long-term relationship. Good communication, realistic expectations, and proper planning are underlying essentials for an effective Mentoring relationship. The process starts with both the Mentor and Mentee preparing to engage in the relationship using the Mentee’s goals as the main driver. Realistic expectations based on the Mentor and Mentee stage of career and expertise should be set. Frank expectations of what you can bring to the Mentoring relationship is key to a positive exchange.
Needless to say, keeping scheduled commitments and maintaining confidence is key to building a positive Mentoring relationship. The USAEE Mentoring Program begins as a formal short-term relationship – but may develop into an informal long-term relationship. Scheduled Mentorship Sessions are for 6 to 12 months after which time the Mentor or Mentee may choose to carry on an informal mentoring relationship or bring it to a closure.
Mentors share their expertise and personal experiences and provide personalized feedback regarding industry-specific questions and development activities.
- Introduction - learn about each other both personally and professionally.
- Ask questions about career progression and aspirations.
- Exchange contact information, availability and preferred modes of communication.
- Clarify Mentee's learning goals and develop reasonable expectations.
- Develop an initial plan for Scheduled Mentorship Session including topic definition, deliverables, and schedule
If you are interested in becoming a mentee or a mentor please contact USAEE association coordinator Brian Lavelle at