Membership Benefits
The United States Association for Energy Economics (USAEE) is a professional organization whose purpose is to advance the understanding and application of economics across all facets of energy development and use.
Founded in 1994, USAEE offers many benefits to those in the energy industry. As the largest affiliate of the International Association for Energy Economics, you have a large domestic knowledge base available to you at your fingertips. Membership in the USAEE is automatically combined with membership in the IAEE. The combined dues are $175 a year, and only $75 for students.
Membership Benefits in brief include:
- Professional Identification
- Membership within the country's leading association of energy economics professionals - over 1,000 strong
- Journals & Newsletters
- The Energy Journal - Articles published in the Energy Journal provide rigorous and innovative analyses of interest to academics, energy industry professionals, civil servants and regulators, and members of the financial community such as Wall Street analysts.
- Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy - EEEP provides a scholarly and research-based, yet easily read and accessible source of information on contemporary economic thinking and analysis of policy issues in the interface between energy and environmental economics.
- Energy Forum – Published quarterly the Forum (newsletter) presents timely, thematic, non-technical articles on energy topics such as conventional and renewable energy, specific country energy matters, and industry developments. Pending editorial approval, the Forum is open for all members to publish. In addition, the Forum contains information from IAEE Affiliates, conferences, and events.
- Annual Conference Access
- Discounted member registration fees - conferences cover a wide array of topics ranging from gas regulation issues to US oil policy, renewable energy, and much, much, more.
- Speaking and presiding opportunities
- Complimentary conference proceedings access
- Directories
- USAEE Membership Directory available online for members only. Not yet a member? Maybe it is time to join!
- Online International Membership Directory
- Energy Career Opportunities
- Post and scan resumes
- Post and scan job openings
- Student Programs
- Best Paper awards
- Conference registration scholarships
- Case Competition Program
- Plus much more
- Participate in and gain access to the USAEE Salary Survey
- USAEE Working Paper Series