Three Rivers Chapter

The Three Rivers Chapter of the United States Association for Energy Economics is committed to expanding the reach of energy information in both the private and public sectors in the State of Pennsylvania, and surrounding area.

Chapter goals are to:

  • Provide for the mutual association of persons interested in energy economics in order to create a forum for professional discussion
  • Provide a means of professional communication and exchange of experience and ideas among persons interested in energy economics from within Pittsburgh and the surrounding area
  • Educate the community on energy economic issues

Anyone interested in the array of issues affecting energy economics--including theory, markets, public policy, and the environment--is invited to join and actively participate.

Our new organization brings together energy professionals to network and discuss topics related to energy and economics. We will organize and hold periodic meetings featuring keynote speakers as well as provide casual forums for professionals to meet and exchange ideas. Anyone interested in the array of topics regarding energy economics--including theory, markets, public policy, and the environment--is invited to join and actively participate. Please contact the Chapter President or other Officers for further information or questions on how you can get involved.

The chapter holds periodic luncheon meetings featuring guest speakers. Please contact the chapter President for further information.

Three Rivers Officers


Dr. Amanda J. Harker Steele
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)
U.S. Department of Energy

Research Economist
Phone: 304.285.0207

Vice President

Smriti Sharma
KeyLogic Systems
Scientist II
Email: |


Lauren Manion, MPIA
Oil and Gas Geologist (15 years)

Academic Liaison

Ilia Murtazashvili, Ph.D.
Professor of Public Policy
Graduate School of Public and International Affairs
Co-Director, Center for Governance and Markets
University of Pittsburgh
Phone: 412.877.8615

Presentations & Publications