
Current Council


Dean Foreman

Chief Economist
Texas Oil and Gas Association



Greg Upton

Executive Director and Associate Professor - Research
LSU Center for Energy Studies


Immediate Past President

Eric Hittinger

Department Chair, Public Policy
Rochester Institute of Technology



Anna Broughel

Lecturer in Sustainable Energy Transition Policy
School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University


Vice President, Conferences

Karr Ingham

Economist and President
Texas Alliance of Energy Producers


Vice President, Academic Affairs

Jamal Mamkhezri

Associate Director, MA Economics Program & Associate Professor
New Mexico State University


Vice President, Communications

Samuel Lockhart Priestley

Economic Consultant
S&P Global


Vice President, Business

Amy Brock

Market Intelligence Advisor
Chevron Services Company


Vice President, Government

Shruti K. Mishra

Senior Energy Economist
Sandia National Laboratories


Vice President, Membership and Chapter Liaison

Ning Lin

Chief Economist – Program Manager
Center for Energy Economics, Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin


Council Member-at-Large

Travis Fisher

Director of Energy and Environmental Policy Studies
Cato Institute

Council Member-at-Large

Michael Plante

Senior Research Economist
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Past Presidents

2024: Eric Hittinger, Rochester Institute of Technology

2023: Helen Currie, ConocoPhillips

2022: Peter Balash, US Department of Energy - NETL

2021: Howard Gruenspecht, MIT Energy Initiative

2020:  Amy Myers Jaffe, Tufts University

2019:  Marianne Kah, Columbia Center on Global Energy Policy

2018:  Guy F. Caruso, CSIS

2017:  Shree Vikas, ConocoPhillips, Inc

2016:  James Smith, Southern Methodist University

2015:  Troy N. Thompson, Chevron

2014:  Michael E. Canes, Logistics Management Institute

2013:  Lori Smith Schell, Empowered Energy

2012:  Peter R. Hartley, Rice University

2011:  Benjamin Schlesinger, Benjamin Schlesinger & Assoc LLC

2010:  Charles Greer Rossmann, Southern Company

2009:  Joseph M. Dukert, Energy Analyst

2008:  Omowumi O. Iledare, LSU Center for Energy Studies

2007:  Peter Nance, Teknecon Energy Risk Advisors LLC

2006:  Shirley Neff, CEMTPP, Columbia University

2005:  Marianne S. Kah, ConocoPhillips, Inc.

2004:  Mine K. Yucel, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

2003:  Adam E. Sieminski, Deutsche Bank AG

2002:  Arnold B. Baker, Sandia National Laboratories

2001:  Michelle Michot Foss, University of Houston

2000:  David J. DeAngelo, PPL Generation, LLC

1999:  Michael C. Lynch, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

1998:  Leonard L. Coburn, U.S. Department of Energy

1997:  Hillard G. Huntington, Stanford University

1996:  Kathleen B. Cooper, Exxon Corporation

1994-95:  Dennis J. O'Brien, Caltex Petroleum

1992-93:  Anthony J. Finizza, Atlantic Richfield Company


Academic Affairs

Chair: Jamal Mamkhezri


Chair: Amy Brock


Chair: Samuel Lockhart Priestley


Chair: Karr Ingham


Chair: Shruti K. Mishra


Chair: Ning Lin


Chair: Eric Hittinger


Strategic Planning

Chair: Greg Upton